GenZ Voters Rights TikTok dancers at a “Little Mermaid” film screening in DC
Black Women for Positive Change hosted our GenZ Voters Rights TikTok dancers at a “Little Mermaid” film screening in DC.
Black Women for Positive Change hosted our GenZ Voters Rights TikTok dancers at a “Little Mermaid” film screening in DC.
2023 Juneteenth Historic Celebration of The President Joseph R. Biden Lifetime Achievement Award & Presidential Volunteer Service Recognition Ceremony
Monday, June 19, 3PM-5PM, Matthews Memorial Baptist Church, Washington D.C.
Harriet Tubman event on May 13th in Pittsburgh focused on families and opportunities. Latara Jones, Chair BW4PC Pittsburgh.
Pictured (Left to Right) Honorable Mayor of Braddock Mrs. Delia Lennon-Winstead, PA Congresswoman Summer Lee, PA State Jay Costa and PA State Representative Attorney Abigail Salisbury, and Latara Jones, Chair Pittsburgh BW4PC.
Pastor Troy Jones, Pastor, New Life Church, Pittsburgh, PA
Blessed Be Educators
Commissioner Frank Malone, CEO of 100 Fathers Inc.
LaTanya Mathis, Phoenix Chapter, National Black Nurses Association
Dr. Angela Allen, Arizona West Valley, Delta Sigma Theta
Dr. Carlen Dawson, Arizona Center for African American Children
LaTanya, Mathis, Coordinator
Dr. Stephanie Myers, Black Women for Positive Change, Chair and Congresswoman Gwen Moore, Wisconsin’s 4th Congressional District
Joseph G. Bock, Director, School of Conflict Mgmt, Peacebuilding and Development, Kennesaw State University
Sharon Tracy, Quabbin Mediation
Kabrina Bass, Executive Director, Midlands Mediation Center; NAFCM Board of Directors, Co-Chair
Shawanna Vaughn, Founder/Director of Silent Cry Inc; survivor speaker for Every Town for Gun Safety